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Articles dans le domaine du Coaching et du Management Interculturel

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1ère rencontre entre coachs d'IMC-Coaching
1ère rencontre entre les coachs d'IMC-Coaching à Paris (13 mars 2018) "Un moment de partage, productif avec une bonne énergie positive !"...

Should I stay or should I go? – Intercultural coaching to support and empower partners on internatio
Global relocations are great career opportunities offering travel and inspiring life-changing experiences in a new cultural setting. But...

Stressed? French/English idioms when you're "at the edge"!
The above idiom in French is one of my favorites! It is both witty and wise. It gives me a different way to think about the ever...

Journée Masterclass ICF Paris Coaching and Neurosciences
Sortir de sa zone de confort et vivre des nouvelles expériences développe nos synapses et nous aide à profiter pleinement de notre...

Intercultural Coaching: Navigating fluidly across cultures
When someone, who I just met, asks: me what do you do? I answer, I'm a coach ... intercultural coach. Immediately I perceive a suspicious...
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